What is PVD and what is PVD's application in landfills?

PVD is a commonly used soft foundation treatment material. There are various shapes such as wave and harmonica. In the middle is an extruded plastic core board, which is the framework and channel of the drainage belt. Its cross-section is parallel to a cross, and both sides are wrapped with non-woven geotextiles as filter layers. The core belt plays a supporting role and discharges the water that seeps into the filter layer upwards. It is a good vertical channel for the use of drainage consolidation method for soft foundation treatment of saturated cohesive and mixed fill soil such as silt, silt soil, and flushing soil, greatly reducing the consolidation time of soft soil. PVD gets excellent physical, mechanical & hydraulic performance, which makes it an effective solution of Soft Ground Improvement to accelerate construction and reduce both time and magnitude of post-construction settlement.

The advantages of plastic drainage tape in strengthening soft soil foundation:
1. Good water filtration, smooth drainage, and guaranteed drainage effect.
2. The material has good strength and ductility, which can adapt to the
deformation capacity of the foundation without affecting drainage performance.
3. The cross-sectional size of the drainage board is small, and there is little
disturbance to the foundation during the construction of the drainage board.
4. Plate insertion construction can be carried out on ultra weak foundations.
5. Fast construction and short construction period, each insertion machine can insert more than 15000m of boards per day, and the cost is lower than that of bag sand wells.


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